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Benefits of Programme

Earning a degree or certificate in our programme means having full access to the University of Chester resources as a student of the University of Chester. These include: the University of Chester library, all online Chester resources, and all learning and support resources offered to any Chester student, as well as a confirmed degree from the University of Chester and an invitation to attend graduation proceedings in the cathedral.

Within each module students are guided by leaders in the field who are both scholars and clinicians and actively research and write about the topics studied. Extensive resources and reading lists are included as well as presentations, discussions and assignments where learners can directly apply their knowledge to real world issues they might encounter in their careers.

In addition to modules related to work based learning and support in design and delivery of a final project that adds value to the work context.  Learners will complete four modules related directly to human-animal interactions consisting of:

1. IS7304 - Theories and Foundations of Animal-Assisted Activities
2. IS7305 - Animal-Assisted Therapy and Ethical Partnership with Animals
3. IS7306 - Ethology - Animal Behaviour, Emotion and Domestication
4. IS7307 - Understanding Relationships with Animals across Cultures

Module Overview for IS7304 - Theories and Foundations of Animal-Assisted Activities

This is a postgraduate level 7 module consisting of 9 sections and covers both basic and advanced concepts related to the human-animal bond and human-animal interactions and human-animal interventions. Other topics include the assumptions of our programme, animal welfare, research and theoretical models, gaps, limitations, and future directions of the field, as well as possible career directions. Learners will engage in asynchronous discussion forums where they will reflect and integrate their learning plus interact with other students and instructors, as well as providing a short essay and final project.